
“I bloomed up all over again despite knowing, cherry blossoms are only meant to wither.”

Kaseshi Ishiku | Crystal DC | Coeurl | EST


  • Time Zone: EST

  • Datacenter: Crystal

  • Pronouns: They/Them

  • Mun is 30+: I prefer my RP partners to be 21+ due to the themes presented in this character, and often I lean toward those who are older. If I find out you are a minor I will cut ties with you.

  • Mun is Dyslexic: Please keep this in mind when RPing with me as it does affect my spelling, sentence structure, and grammar. I do everything I can to minimize this for others, and I will not put up with constant ridicule or negativity about it, if this occurs I will cease contact with you.

  • Discord: I can be contacted at umbral.calamity on Discord. I will, however, not add you as a friend unless we have substantial story progress or ongoing RP that requires open communication.

  • Communication: On the subject of communication I enjoy having open conversations with my RP Partners. These conversations tend to be about characters, lore building, plot arch designs but are also used to notify them if I am unavailable for a time or if my schedule becomes busy.

Organic RP: While I am willing to work with plot designs and converse OOC about themes. I do prefer RP to develop within the world and I am a strong supporter of Living World RP. This goes for mature/erotic RP especially. I require there to be a story in place that leads there. There is no guarantee I will ERP with you even if you are a long-term RP partner.
No I will not RP: Abuse, Cheating, Sexual Assault, Excessive Violence, or any action that lacks the ability for me to give consent to what happens to my character(s) If any attempts are made at the above themes I will leave the scene I am in with you and block you.
Availability: I am available Every other Monday, Tuesdays, Every other Thursday, and most Sundays to schedule in-game RP. While times can vary on these days, my usual online hours are 6 pm EST to 12 am EST. On other days when I am scheduled in-game, I will offer Discord RP to keep the flow of RP moving.
IC is not OOC: I am not looking for OOC relationships beyond platonic friendships. Please no OOC flirting or sexual advances. Things said to me OOC will not be taken IC and vice versa. If I find you blending or bleeding between IC/OOC I will cut ties with you immediately.


“The soft pink petals of the cherry blossom are a reminder of the delicate nature of love.”

Kaseshi. "Twenties". Female.She/Her. Pansexual / Patron: Tsukuyomi

  aliases.   Kaseshi Ishiku | Opal
  height.     5 fulms 10 ilms
  weight.   135 ponz
  hair color.    White/Pink
  eye color.     Pink
  skin tone.     Fair
  notable features.  
These will vary depending on whether you are standing in front of Kaseshi or one of her aliases.

  job occupation.   Wandering Healer | Cook
  place of origin.   Yanxia
  home.   Ul'dah
  affiliation.   The Honeybee Venues, Quanta
  family.   Kaseshi finds no reason to disclose any information about her family besides having six very tall brothers who watch over her.
  marital status.  
Polyamorous | Single

  personality.   Kaseshi has had a long road and a hard one at that. On the surface, she seems to be a shy and quiet woman who does not often speak out loud unless she is spoken to directly or working. Other times she may rely on forms of sign language or write on a piece of paper her replies claiming that her spoken common is poor and that she does not wish to offend anyone.Those who break through the walls find a sweet and empathetic woman who is willing to listen, help, and be that shoulder to cry on when times are tough but they also find the betrayal and trauma that created the silence that she has embraced to escape the pain that life has left for her. She will leave no doubt in her mind that her trust is broken, and her heart right along with it. To get to know her one must exhibit patience and never push for more than she is willing to offer.

Kaseshi does not like to talk about the life she led prior to her travels to Eorzea but to the rare person she may open up to they would learn of a Miqo'te cared for by a Yanxia fishing village after she escaped the tyranny of the well-known Yakuza Family - Oshidari where she was kept as a servant and pet by a woman known only as the Shadowed Doll, the lover of Masamoto Oshidari the head of the family.
This was only the beginning of her troubles in life and she carried with her a strong belief that she is cursed by some magic weavers spell for bad luck follows her wherever she goes. Friendships fall apart, love affairs dry up and there are deep veins of betrayal pushing in on her from all sides.It has been three turns since she arrived in Limsa Lominsina seeking a new life and a new Path. She had the luck of finding her way to the Honey Bee Inn where she had been cared for and kept safe, but even there those bad tidings found her and now she just craves the end of it all so she can find peace.

  • Selective Mutism: When Kaseshi is overwhelmed or highly anxious she will shut down and be unable to speak for a period of time. She does use telepathy in moments like this but will ask permission first before letting you hear her thoughts.

  • Boba Tea, Please: If you want to get on Kaseshi's good side just give her a Boba Tea. This is how friendships are formed!! She's not picky about flavors and seems to go through withdrawal when she doesn't have one in her hand. In fact, to others, she appears addicted.

  • Wandering Healer: Kaseshi has spent cycles honing her abilities. It is very common when she is healing to see her with a pink lotus in her hands that she uses to infuse her patient with an energy that quickly heals them.

  • Spirit Speaker: Ever wonder if a spirit watches over you and if they do what they are saying to you/about you? Kaseshi is very gifting at communing with them and seeing them (even though she hates to admit it)

  • Flashy Clothes This woman loves wearing all the modern styles, especially anything from the Magitech Clothing Lines that have become popular over the summer. You will often find her in brightly glowing pink pieces paired with white and black. Her

  • Presto, Chango Kaseshi is a known Shapeshifter! Most of the time she prefers to appear as a Viera or a Fox. (If you are a Yokai or some other form of Supernatural Creature, please, feel free to contact me and we can roll a d20 for further information.)

  • It's in the Stars:Kaseshi has a love for telling people's fortunes! Currently, she is learning to use a Holographic Tarot deck that interfaces with the device that helps her speak. If you would be interested in a reading feel free to ask! She will find time for you.

  • Freed from Chains: If you were part of House Oshidari/The Oshidari Yakuza before the end or if you have a strong presence in the Kugane Underground you may recognize Kaseshi as one of their "pets". (Please approach me to roll for further information if these hooks work for you)



The following information is not known by the OC, if it comes up at any point in RP I will ignore its use unless we have discussed it before and agreed to use it as a hook. Each piece is from the journal of someone who came in contact with Opal in her past.I named her Teumessian. At first, I was not certain what to call my little creation. She had been made into what the others called a Fox. A coat of brilliant white fur with the brightest pink eyes almost like a dog if you would, but so much more. I had watched Hermes for Moons with his project, the way Meteion had taken form was beautiful, and the sound of her voice when she brought me flowers was that of the songbird she was made from. I needed a companion for my trips. They were long and tedious. I could not bring my loves they each had their important positions in our society. It is my job to learn what brings happiness and pleasure to others. What pleased me was having a companion to talk to on my journey. This was her my Teumessian -Voluptas, Elpis

The Master seemed to recognize her somehow and I certainly didn't question him. Grab her he told me, then mumbled there was no way that she should have survived the Final Days. When I asked who he spoke of and what the final days were he rushed off. I didn't see him for days after that. When I finally caught up with him again he looked like he had not slept. Again he spoke of these final days and of Meteion. He seemed frantic, displaced. I offered my help, but he told me I would not understand and I should go, and not return until I had her. It took me five nights and five days to catch the sneaky little thing. I never asked her name or how she knew the Master, and I took her to his laboratory as he had demanded on that prior visit. Again he wore that same expression, this time though maps of the night sky were everywhere as if he was searched for someone - Arethusa, Research Assistant, Allag

I have seen her with a male Auspice but I seem to have been the only one. I asked the others if they had seen the male that looked like the night sky with the eyes like a machine. There were stars in them blinking as he winked at me. The others think I have gone mad, they have seen no such a thing. Ling Mae they say, keep away from the drink! The ghosts of eld play tricks on your mind. I do not think they are tricks! I think he belongs to her somehow.- Ling Mae, Yanxia

She walked into the Village with barely a slip of fabric intact. There were bruises all over her pale skin and her long white hair was knotted and frayed. The strange thing was she had fox ears and a tail! At first, we thought her playing a prank, wearing a costume, but Grandmother recognized her. Called her the descendant of Tamamo-no-Mae. Tamamo Gozen as they called her in Kugane. Auspice is what Grandmother called her. A lesser form of a Kami. A goddess drenched in Moonlight. Grandmother named her Tsukiko-no-Yume (Moonlight Dreamer) it was such a fitting name. She looked like she was made of light, her eyes were bright pink prisms that spun when she looked towards someone directly. So many good things happened while she was here. The fish became more plentiful, the crops grew in soil not fertile enough, and families without children due to disease were blessed with fertility. We grew and grew under her watchful gaze. We built her a garden Shrine where she lived with her lover, another Auspice, a Fox like her named Nobuyuki. Together they taught faith, wisdom, and hope. This lasted for one hundred years! It was a time of great goodness and then tragedy came. Two children wandered into the woods and became lost, Tsukiko-no-Yume hunted for days and nights to bring them home. They were found crushed by a Tsurube otoshi. The people blame her, cursed her, and destroyed her Shrine. They murdered her Nobuyuki as payment for failing them and then she lost control. As the fires raged in the garden, her anguish drove her mad. Some escaped and lived to tell the tale, but most became part of the bloody water some say still cuts through ruins the ruins of the Shrine today. -Haoyu descendant of Ling Mae

We found her. The legends are true. We found the resting site of Tsukiko-no-Yume and she was there. Masamoto was so pleased with me when I brought her home. He asked me to be his bride considering her the before engagement gift. He had a special cage delivered for her the bars appeared to be made of gold. He told me to train her. She could bring us a fortune with the other Families. Such an exotic creature a Fox on two feet. Some would pay a handsome price for one night with her to tend to them. I wonder what she knows of magic, I wonder what she knows of life years ago. So many things, so many wonders she must have in her mind. She will serve my whims now. Just as she served others in her past. She is mine to control and use. -The Shadowed Doll, Oshidari Yakuza

I was in Heritage Found with Qih'a when the Event happened. I don't know if time sped forward for him like it did for me. I lost him somewhere in the Chaos. It was Thirty Cycles, but only a few bells in Eorzea, a whole life I lived in the blink of an eye. A place where I worked as a healer again, bright lights in a City Made of circuits and wires. It was like a giant computer! The Feral Souls, My Twin Brother. They used us for something but I don't know what. I don't remember the Regulator won't let me. Help, I am trapped inside someone I don't know anymore. ~Kaseshi Ishiku